Godwin & Crowndale

A collaboratively-produced sound piece as part of Walls On Walls continuing series of audio-visual installations across the borough of Camden, London. The metallic, rhythmic sounds made when doing wax rubbings of ironwork patterns found on the estate (which translate into block panels in the visual work) inspired the abstract interludes in this composition. In between, we visit quiet places where the participant group learned about and reflected on the history and future of the area: the Camden archive at Holborn library; St Pancras Old Church cemetery; the local corner shop; the TMO office.

Residents explored the history of the site, the current 1950s building and emerging visions for the future from locals. Three patterned visual panels represent the history of the Fleet river that used to run through the area, via patterns found from rubbings of man hole coverings around the estate. Sounds recorded when making the wax rubbings create ambient interludes in the sound composition, mirroring the visual form.

The patterned sections are interspersed with snippets of modern architecture that can be viewed from sight lines around the building, symbolising the changing urban and social landscape around us. Meanwhile, the sound piece visits quiet places where the participant group learned about and reflected on the history and future of the area: the Camden archive at Holborn library; St Pancras Old Church cemetery; the local corner shop and the TMO office.


Sadly, after more than three years in situ, this artwork was removed by the council. It was a result of miscommunicated, internal communications and should never have been removed. Residents have been campaigning for its return and we hope to do another project there in the future to re-instate the art work. In the meantime, the audio can still be listened to above.